
After graduating with her second degree in strategic communications and campaign management, Adair spent her early career developing relationships with emerging brands and creators to build unique community experiences at Geneva. 

During her time at the startup, Adair brought the company from being known widely as a communication platform to becoming an online tool that prioritizes connecting groups of people based on their interests and location in real life. Adair led their first of many city brand campaigns and worked with the team to activate across major US cities in effort to help people get connected with new friends in their city. She led efforts on pulling in the right partners and built scalable ambassador programming to curate moments for connection that appealed to the Gen Z eye and were thoughtfully crafted for social buzz. 

After two years of connecting thousands of isolated indivuals through her community and marketing initiatives at Geneva, she continues to bring people together through curating community experiences in Los Angeles. Adair truly believes that no one should do life alone and is currently consulting brands and community leaders to be remembered as the facilitators of life-long connection through her specialized techniques in building an engaged community. 

In addition, Adair is a visual artist and content creator. She has been working with music artists, local fitness studios, creators, and CPG brands to create stand out content for social that beats the noise.

